Peer-to-peer exchanges allow individuals to move currencies from their accounts to the account of others without having to go through a financial institution. P2P networks rely on digital transfers, which in turn rely on the availability of an internet connection.
The cryptocurrency exchange is daily carried out by lots of cryptocurrency holders for their profit and use.
About WhalesHeaven:
In this article, I will be introducing to my readers a global financial market for exchanging all sorts of digital assets named WhalesHeaven
This exchange is based on peer-to-peer technology and also you can trade on this platform safer as compared to other exchange platforms.
In this exchange everything is up to you no one can access your account.
All trading happens via multisig wallets, where both you and the platform should consent to release the funds. This flow protects your deals from hackers and scammers of any kind.
Their deal flow ensures your funds are safe:
The steps through which the trading takes place is:
Step 1:
A deal process is based on multisig wallets between each party and platform, which lets the platform have full control over the deal process, preventing any unauthorized access to the user’s funds.
Step 2:
Once funds are deposited into a multisig wallet, each party has to provide their transaction approval on a corresponding multisig wallet. Once both approvals are in place, the platform signs both transactions, and the funds will be released.
Through these two steps, the Platform provides full safety to your funds therefore you should not have any fear of losing money.
Benefits of peer-to-peer exchange:
P2P exchanges allow customers to trade directly with each other without any trusted third party to process all trades.
P2P exchanges offer high resistance to transaction censorship, are cheap to use, private, and secure.
‘Regular’ cryptocurrency exchanges are companies, which serve as intermediaries between their customers and make a profit by collecting fees. Conversely, the interactions between counterparties on peer-to-peer exchanges are directed exclusively by pre-programmed software, with no human middlemen.
This alternative approach has several comparative advantages, as well as downsides. Overall, the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges are vivid examples of the decentralization philosophy.
Now WhalesHeaven has five different trading pairs:
1)Tether - ERC20
2)Tether - BTC
3)Dai v1.0 - ERC20
4)TrueUSD - ERC20
Without any doubt, this site is going to create a revolution in cryptocurrency exchange.
as they have no fees for withdrawing which is the best feature of this site for their users.
Get yourself upgraded. Start exchanging on the platform and be part of this revolution.
Link to the site:
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